How we 3x conversion of an Autonomous Sign Up flow in a Sales-based scale up in 4 months.

Gerard Martí for PayFit
August 2022
5 min read
Problem context

As a company is not a simple decision to hire or change your next payroll manager.

After launching the first version of the Self Serve (Sales-less Sign Up flow) in April 2022 the team eventually ran out of insights due to a lack of visibility of the funnel’s performance. I decided to use the low traffic season to do a Journey Discovery that acted as Performance audit and fuelled the team with pain points and new challenges to take on that would lead into a 3x in sales-less conversions.

The Process

We really wanted to nail down the users’ journey.

The main challenge was to identify and alleviate the pain points prospects faced in the funnel conversion process. These included issues like insecurity of usage, fear of abandonment, lack of trust, and unclear value proposition. We needed to understand these challenges deeply and design solutions that would not only address these issues but also be seamlessly integrated into the existing funnel.

However not everything ran smoothly 💀

During our research, we initially encountered challenges in conducting customer interviews due to timing constraints. However, we successfully navigated this obstacle by leveraging SDR interviews and analyzing customer onboardings using tools like Mojo and Hotjar.

We centralised existing feedback and tickets.

By contacting internal stakeholders pulling existing information, interviewing SDRs and analising behavioral patterns.

Detected Areas of Impact based on Empathy map

Discovered 3 areas the user needed support with and showcase PayFit’s value and synced with Directors.

Competitor Benchmarking and Funnel Audit

We conducted a benchmark analysis of more than 20+ competitors and audited our funnel to detect quick wins.

Insights and Ideation phase

Making the team take part in this was key to boost team engagement.

We included devs in some of our interviews and after we presented the insights to our team. We then organized workshops to brainstorm and generate ideas based on these insights. Yes, I did draw my coworkers just for this workshop, they all loved it haha.

We turned the insights into action and after 4 months we saw a 3x in Conversion on our autonomous Sign-up Flow.

Proposed, ranked and designed several improvements, including redesigning the "Contact us" experience, enhancing funnel communication, and introducing user guidance features like live chat and feedback mechanisms.

Wrapping up

Conclusion and Learnings

This project highlighted the importance of continuous user engagement and iterative design in product development. Regular feedback from users was crucial in identifying pain points and testing new features. The project underscored the value of a holistic approach to design, considering not only the aesthetic aspects but also the functional and psychological elements of user experience.

The significance of empathy in design

Regular user feedback and data analysis are key to informed and effective design decisions.

The impact of continuous discovery

Regular user feedback and data analysis are key to informed and effective design decisions.

The way collaboration is crucial

Working closely with other teams, such as SDRs and growth teams, provided invaluable insights.

Case study Continuation

Designing a Gentle Nudge:
PayFit's Feedback Box Enhancing Sign-Ups

This case study examines how the introduction of a 'Feedback Box' played a key role in enhancing this process and facilitating a smoother transition into client onboarding.